Residential programs for the treatment of drugs consumption or addiction to drugs
These are programs in which the patients remain in a home, generally for a period of 6 to 12 months. The staff and people in recovery will work together to change attitudes, perceptions and behaviors related to drugs cosumption.
The objective of the therapeutic community is social reintegration of the patient to a lifestyle free from drugs and problems associated with its consumption.
Residential treatments
These are treatment programmes in which patients remain in a resdience, generally for a period of 6 to 12 months. The treating staff and people in recovery work together to change attitudes, perceptions and behaviours associated with drugs consumptions.
The approach of the therapeutic community is the social reintegration of the patient to a lifestyle free of drugs and problems associated with its consumption.
Respiratory Physiotherapy
Group of techniques, maneuvres, performed by trained people and/or physiotherapists, designed to improve the respiratory eficiency, promote the lungs expansion, fortify the muscles and eliminate secretions of the airway.
Rheumatoid Factor
It's a blood test that detects an antibody which tends to be present in several rheumatological and immunological diseases. It may also be present in a porcentage of healthy people.
Rheumatoid Factor
Normal Values:
Rheumatoid Factor: less than 40-60 u/ml.
Root canal
Dental procedure the odontologist performs to remove bacteria and dead or decomposed tissue from inside the tooth. Once cleaning the tooth, it's filled to avoid damages or future infections.
It needs local anaesthesia
Rubber band ligation
This surgery is useful for hemorrhoid treatment. Rubber bands are settled around the hemorrhoids so blood flow is stopped, consequently hemorrhoids "dry" and fall. No anesthesia is needed.
Salivary cortisol
Cortisol is a steroid or glucocorticoid hormone, produced by the adrenal glands (glands located above the kidney). Its main functions are increase the levels of sugar in blood, suppress the immune system or defense and help the metabolism of fat, proteins and carbohydrates.
The test measures the value of free cortisol
For its examination a sample of saliva is taken through a cotton tube under the tongue for a minute. Then, the tube is put in a special plastic container.
Normal value (night saliva):
Adults: : > 0.22 mg/dl.
Children: 1 mg/dl
Normal values vary based on the laboratory
Sampling and culture of eye discharge
Easy and simple procedure that allows, through cotton swabs or other element the doctor use in these cases, taking a sample of the corresponding injury to be analyzed (culture) with the objective of determine the cause of it.
In some cases anesthetic eyedrops are used before taking the sample
Technique through which a solution is injected in the affected veins making these to reduce its size and disappear.
Through this technique a solution is injected on the affected veins. They reduce their size and disappear.
Septal hematoma drainage
Technique used to facilitate the exit of accumulated blood from a small incision on the tissue that covers or coats the hematoma. Once the blood is extracted, gauze or cotton is placed inside the nose.
Serial gastroduodenal
Non-invasive, painless radiologic study, which allows to see the oesophagus and stomach, the walls and if there are or not variations, with a previous contrast liquid ingest, generally barium.
serum creatinine
Normal value
Creatinine: 0,6 -1,2 ng/ml in men
0,5-0,9 ng/ml in women
Serum iron
Serum iron: level of iron in blood
Normal values: 50 to 150 ug/100ml