Prothrombin Time (PT) and Kaolin Partial Thromboplastic Time (KPTT). Test which allows, based on a blood test, to verify the time that takes the blood to clot, and helps to establish if one has problems of bleeding or clotting.
PT Normal Value: between 12 and 15 seconds
KPTT Normal Value: between 25 and 38 seconds
Pulmonary Scan
Pulmonary scan is a painless study used to measure breathing (ventilation) and circulation (perfusion) of all the areas of the lungs, through the use of an inhaled or injected dye (radioisotope) and a gamma camera (scanner) that shows the images of the lung from the register of the radiations the dye emits.
There are two types of pulmonary scan; they may be done separately or together:
Perfusion scan: the doctor injects radioactive albumin in a vein. You are placed in a mobile table under the scanner. The machine tracks the lungs as blood flows through them with the aim of finding the location of radioactive particles.
Ventilation scan, you inhale radioactive gas through a mask while seated or laying down in a table under the scanner.
Pulse oximetry
Simple and non-invasive test which measures the quantity of oxygen carried by the red blood cells by means of a tiny instrument that is placed on your finger.
Queratoplasty or cornea transplant, surgery in which the sick cornea of the patient is replaced by a healthy cornea of a donor.
Radical Orchiectomy
Surgery that consists on extracting or removing a testicle and the spermatic cord by an incision (cut) above the inner thigh.
Radioactive iodine uptake
Is a test of the thyroid function, non invasive, that measures what quantity of radioactive iodine is absorbed by the thyroid gland during a certain period of time.
Before the test, you will have to drink a liquid or take a capsule that contains the radioactive iodine and a few hours later the radioactivity emitted by the gland will be measured.
Rectal Biopsy by aspiration
It is a procedure to remove a fragment of the rectal tissue for its analysis
Rectal Manometry
Study that measures the pressure of the internal anal hole while a balloon is inflated in the rectum.
Invasive study. It allows to examine the interior of the rectum.
The doctor uses a thin and flexible tube which has a lens and a light called endoscope; and visualises the images in a video monitor.
It is usually performed under sedation.
Invasive study to examine the interior of the rectum and sigmoid (last part of the colon)
The doctor uses a thin and flexible tube with a lens and a light called endoscope; and visualizes the images in a video monitor.
It is generally performed under anesthesia.
Invasive study which examines the interior of the rectum and sigmoid colon (last portions of the colon)
The doctor uses a thin and flexible tube which has a lens and a light called endoscope; and visualises the images in a video monitor.
It is usually performed under sedation.
Renin is a protein (enzyme) released by the kidney when there is a decrease in sodium in the body or a volume diminution in blood (hypovolemia).
Renin test measures the amount of this protein in blood.
For the rennin test a sample of blood is taken from a vein (venipunture)
Normal values: 0.2 to 3.3 ng/ml/hour
Normal values vary based on the laboratory.
Repetitive nerve stimulation
It’s an examination used to evaluate the response of a motor nerve (nerves that send impulses to the muscles to contract) with a repetitive stimulation.
Some electrodes are used in the surface of the nerve and it is electrically and repetitive stimulated (10 discharges) while the response of the muscle connected to that nerve is registered (if it contracts or not)
This examination is used as part of the diagnosis of a diseases called Myasthenia Gravis.
In regular people the muscle contracts normally (above a level considered normal) with the repetitive nervous stimulation.
In people with Myasthenia Gravis the muscle contracts each time less (below the normal level) with repetitive stimulation; it “gets tired”
Residential programmes for the treatment of consumption or addiction to drugs
These are treatment programmes in which patients remain in a resdience, generally for a period of 6 to 12 months. The treating staff and people in recovery work together to change attitudes, perceptions and behaviours associated with drugs consumptions.
The approach of the therapeutic community is the social reintegration of the patient to a lifestyle free of drugs and problems associated with its consumption.
Residential programmes for the treatment of drugs consumption or addiction to drugs
These are treatment programmes in which patients remain in a resdience, generally for a period of 6 to 12 months. The treating staff and people in recovery work together to change attitudes, perceptions and behaviours associated with drugs consumptions.
The approach of the therapeutic community is the social reintegration of the patient to a lifestyle free of drugs and problems associated with its consumption.