Physical Examination for nocturnal snoring
The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36.5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
.Nose examination: seek for a nasal obstruction or nasal septum deviation
.Throat examination: seek for changes in the tongue, palate or tonsils
.Neck examination: Control
Physical Examination for pain and nuisance in legs
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Legs examination:
Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching): to know if there is any place causing pain and to recognize the presence of any injury that can be perceived by touching. Confirm the edema distribution (liquid accumulation)
Skin examination (color, temperature, presence of an injury)
Lower limbs circumference measurement
Foot pulse
Achilles reflex (of ankle), patellar reflex (knee): the reaction of the ankle and knee is evaluated with a small hit with a hammer.
Evaluate mobility and sensitivity
Physical Examination for pain and nuisance in legs
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Legs examination:
Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching): to know if there is any place causing pain and to recognize the presence of any injury that can be perceived by touching. Confirm the edema distribution (liquid accumulation)
Skin examination (color, temperature, presence of an injury)
Lower limbs circumference measurement
Foot pulse
Achilles reflex (of ankle), patellar reflex (knee): the reaction of the ankle and knee is evaluated with a small hit with a hammer.
Evaluate mobility and sensitivity
Physical Examination for pain in menstruation
The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Abdomen Examination: Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching) to know if there is any area causing pain and to recognize any injury that can be perceived by touching
Listening to the abdomen noises (Hydro-aerial noises)
Percussion (repetitive taps) to know how each part of the abdomen sounds like
External genitalia examination (vulva, labia, clitoris)
Vaginal touching (according to the case): this examination allows evaluating through touching the characteristics (size, shape, consistency, location, etc.) of:
-Fallopian tubes
Physical Examination for Painful Urination
The doctor may perform the following exam or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency: Norma values: Newborn: 120 to 160 beats/minute, 1 and 2 years 110-120 beats/minute, 3 to 12 years 100 beats/minute, 13 years onward 75/80 beats/minute.
.Control of Breathing Frequency Normal values: Newborn 30 to 60 breathing cycles/minute, 1 and 2 years 20 to 40 breathing cycles/minute, 3 years onward 15/25 breathing cycles/minute.
.CAbdomen Examination:
Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching)ontrol of Temperature (Normal: 36,4 - 37 °C)
Hearing the noises of the abdomen (Hydro-aerial sounds)
Percussion (repetitive taps): to know how each part of the abdomen sounds like
Genital area examination:
Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching), if needed, based on each case.
Physical Examination for Painful Urination
The doctor may perform the following exam or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency: Norma values: Newborn: 120 to 160 beats/minute, 1 and 2 years 110-120 beats/minute, 3 to 12 years 100 beats/minute, 13 years onward 75/80 beats/minute.
.Control of Breathing Frequency Normal values: Newborn 30 to 60 breathing cycles/minute, 1 and 2 years 20 to 40 breathing cycles/minute, 3 years onward 15/25 breathing cycles/minute.
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,4 - 37 °C)
.Abdomen examination:
.Observation (or Inspection)
.Palpation (or touching)
.Hearing the sounds of the abdomen: (Hydro-aerial sounds)
.Percussion (give repetitive taps) to know how each part of the abdomen sounds like.
Genital area examination:
Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching): when needed, based on each case
Physical Examination for Painful Urination
The doctor may perform the following exam or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency: Norma values: Newborn: 120 to 160 beats/minute, 1 and 2 years 110-120 beats/minute, 3 to 12 years 100 beats/minute, 13 years onward 75/80 beats/minute.
.Control of Breathing Frequency Normal values: Newborn 30 to 60 breathing cycles/minute, 1 and 2 years 20 to 40 breathing cycles/minute, 3 years onward 15/25 breathing cycles/minute.
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,4 - 37 °C)
.Abdomen examination:
.Observation (or Inspection)
.Palpation (or touching)
.Hearing the sounds of the abdomen: (Hydro-aerial sounds)
.Percussion (give repetitive taps) to know how each part of the abdomen sounds like.
Genital area examination:
Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching): when needed, based on each case
Physical Examination for painful urination in women
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Abdomen Examination:
Inspection or observation:
Hearing the noises of the abdomen (hydro-aerial sounds)
Palpation or touching: to know if there is any area causing pain or to recognize the presence of an injury that can be perceived by touching.
Percussion (repetitive taps) to know how each part of the abdomen sounds like.
Lumbar fist percussion:
In a seated and slightly forward position, perform some taps with fist closed at both sides of the spine, from the waist downwards.
Physical Examination for Pelvic Pain
The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Abdomen examination:
Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching) to know if there is any are causing pain and to recognise any injury that can be perceived by touching.
Hearing the sounds of the abdomen (hydroaerial noises)
Percussion (give repetitive taps) to know how each part of the abdomen sounds like
Pelvis examination: Vulve (lips, clitoris, vagina) and cervix:
.Observation (or Inspection):
Of the skin and mucous: if there are changes in colour or any injury
Of discharge (or secretion) and evaluate its characteristics; amount
.Vaginal touching: according to the case
Physical Examination for Poisoning
The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
General inspection:
. Exploration of skin and mucous membranes (mouth) - Evaluates if they are pale, dry or not.
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36.5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Cardiovascular Examination:
- Auscultation (hearing): of noises/sounds produced by the heart.
Respiratory Examination:
- Auscultation (hearing): of noises/sounds produced by the lungs.
- Oxygen Saturation
Abdomen examination: Observation (or inspection). Palpation (or touching) to know if any zone produces pain. Listen to the abdominal sounds (bowel sounds).
Percussion (give repetitive blows): to know how every part of the abdomen sounds like
Neurologic Examination:
- State of consciousness (Glasgow Coma Scale)
- March evaluation.
- Muscle tone evaluation.
- Reflex evaluation.
- Sensitivity evaluation.
- Active motility and muscle strength evaluation.
Physical Examination for Red eye
The doctor may perform the following exam or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency: Norma valuesl: Newborn: 120 to 160 beats/minute, 1 and 2 years 110-120 beats/minute, 3 to 12 years 100 beats/minute, 13 years onward 75/80 beats/minute.
.Control of Breathing Frequency Normal values: Newborn 30 to 60 breathing cycles/minute, 1 and 2 years 20 to 40 breathing cycles/minute, 3 years onward 15/25 breathing cycles/minute.
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,4 - 37 °C)
Examination of both eyes:
.Evaluate visual acumen and field of vision.
.Examine pupil, eye movility and reflex.
.Examination with an Ophthalmoscope (instrument with ligh the doctor uses to evaluate red pupil reflex, retina, and optic nerve)
.Examination of the eyelid (through eversion of it) and the conjunctiva.
Physical Examination for Shortness of air
The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Thorax Examination:
Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching)
Auscultation (or listening): the sounds/noises produced by the lungs and heart
Percussion (repetitive taps): to know how each part of the thorax sounds like
Lymph nodes examination (e.g.: of the neck, armpit, etc.)
Neck examination:
Palpation of the vessels of the neck
Skin and mucous examination (mouth): evaluation of changes in color.
Physical Examination for Shortness of breath
The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration: .Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute) .Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute) .Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C) .Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg) Thorax Examination: Observation (or Inspection) Palpation (or touching) Auscultation (or listening): the sounds/noises produced by the lungs and heart Percussion (repetitive taps): to know how each part of the thorax sounds like Lymph nodes examination (e.g.: of the neck, armpit, etc.) Observation Palpation Neck examination: Observation Palpation of the vessels of the neck Skin and mucous examination (mouth): evaluation of changes in color.
Physical Examination for Shoulder pain
The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
Control of Temperature (Normal: 36.5 - 37 °C)
Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg).
Shoulder Examination:
Observation (or inspection)
Palpation (or touching): to know if there is some area that causes pain and to examine if there is any injury that may be perceived by touching.
Evaluation of shoulder joint mobility: to know if it is limited or not.
Skin examination (colour, temperature, presence of any injury)
Spine Examination:
.Observation (or Inspection)
.Palpation (or touching): to know if there is some area that causes pain.
.Percussion: (repeated tapping) over the spine, which may cause pain.
Mobility evaluation: if it is limited or not.
Neurological evaluation: in search of weakness or tingling or electricity in the legs.
Physical Examination for Sleeping Disorders
The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of the Heart Rate (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of the Respiration Rate (Normal: 16 to 20 respiratory cycles/minute).
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C).
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg).