

It’s a surgical procedure to drain the fluid inside the pericardial sac, tissue surrounding the heart.
It’s invasive, and need anesthesia
A needle is introduced and once it reaches the right area, guided by an ultrasound, it is removed and replaced by a catheter, through which the fluid is drained inside containers. Generally, the catheter is left in its site for the drainage to continue several hours

Peripheral blood smear

Analysis that shows the number and shape of cells in blood (red blood cells, white blood cell, platelet)

Peripheral blood smear(pediatric)

Analysis that shows the number and shape of cells in blood (red blood cells, white blood cell, platelet)

Peritoneal dialysis

It's a procedure performed to eliminate toxic products (contaminant or waste) of the blood when the kidneys can't do it.
Peritoneal dialysis filter wastes using the peritoneal membrane (membrane which covers most of th organs of the abdomen). The abdomen is filled with special solutions that help to eliminate toxins. Solutions stay there for a period of time and then are drained daily.

Permanent hair removal

They are painful techniques, which consist of hair elimination of some area of the body. It may be through electrolysis (invasive technique), or laser (non-invasive technique). Both methods slow down the growth of hair and in some patients they eliminate it permanently. Several sessions must be performed.

PH monitoring

It's an examination to measure the frequency and for how long the gastric acid enters in the esophagus (tube that connects the mouth with the stomach) during 24 hours.
A catheter enters through the nose up to the esophagus and connects with a small monitor inserted on the waist or shoulder. By pressing the button the presence of symptoms and the moment they appear is registered.

PH Monitoring

It’s an examination to measure the frequency and for how long the stomach acid enters in the esophagus (tube that connects the mouth with the stomach) during 24 hours.
A catheter enters through the nose up to the esophagus and it’s connected to a small monitor inserted on the waist or shoulder. By pressing a button the symptoms and the time are registered.


Amount of phosphate in blood.
Normal Value: 2.7 to 4.5 mg/dl

Phosphorous in 24-hours urine

Normal value fo Phosphorus in urine of an entire day:
Phosphorus: 12,4 ± 4,6 mg/kg/day

Phosphorus in 24-hours urine

Normal value fo Phosphorus in urine of an entire day:
Phosphorus: 12,4 ± 4,6 mg/kg/day

Phosphorus in urine of 24 hours.

Normal value fo Phosphorus in urine of an entire day:
Phosphorus: 12,4 ± 4,6 mg/kg/day


Through this technique an infrarred light device is used to make a clot in the vain.This clot will stop blood supply around the tissue.

Photodynamic therapy

Photodynamic therapy is a non-invasive treatment that consists of the injection of a photosensitive drug through vein and then this drug is activated at the retina level with a special light over the area that needs treatment.
After the treatment the patient must avoid light exposure for two days, to prevent the risk of bruns.


This therapy, also called Light therapy, consists of placing yourself at a certain distance of a bright light box for at least 30 minutes once a day, preferably in the morning. This artificial light imitates daylight causing a stimulus in the chemistry of the brain that controls the mood, thus, causing an improvement in the person.

Physical Examination due to abnormal menstruation or vaginal bleeding in teenage girls

The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Control of weight and height
Abdomen Examination: Observation (or Inspection)
Listening to the abdomen noises (Hydro-aerial noises)
Palpation (or touching) to know if there is any area causing pain and to recognize any injury that can be perceived by touching
Percussion (repetitive taps) to know how each part of the abdomen sounds like
External genitalia examination (vulva, labia, clitoris)
Internal genitalia examination (vagina and cervix) with a speculum, according to the case
Vaginal touching (according to the case)