Surgical procedure that reshapes the bone and reduces pressure on the affected area.
A surgical procedure which modifies the bone's shape and reduces the pressure over the affected area.
Oxalate in 24-hours urine
Normal value of Oxalate in urine of an entire day:
Oxalate: 36,9 ± 13,7 mg/day/1,73 m2
Oxalate in urine of 24 hours
Normal value of Oxalate in urine of an entire day:
Oxalate: 36,9 ± 13,7 mg/day/1,73 m2
Oxygen Saturation
Simple, non-invasive test, that measures the amount of oxygen of the red blood cells in the blood with a small device put on the finger.
Oxygen saturometry
Simple, non-invasive test, that measures the amount of oxygen of the red blood cells in the blood with a small device put on the finger.
Pacemaker is an electronic device in charge of monitoring the heart continuously and sending an electric impulse to stimulate it when the rythm (beats) is interrupted, irregular or when it's too slow.
Placing a pacemaker consists of a simple surgical procedure. It's introduced under the skin though an incision or cut, normally on the left side of the chest under the clavicle.
It's performed under local anesthesia most of the times and it lasts approximately one hour.
Pacemaker is an electronic device in charge of monitoring the heart continuously and sending an electric impulse to stimulate it when the rythm (beats) is interrupted, irregular or when it's too slow. Placing a pacemaker consists of a simple surgical procedure. It's introduced under the skin though an incision or cut, normally on the left side of the chest under the clavicle. It's performed under local anesthesia most of the times and it lasts approximately one hour.
paediatric blood gases
Blood gases within Normal Values:
PO2: 75 to 100 (arterial) or 40 to 60 mmHg (capillary)
PCO2: 35 to 45 mm Hg.
HCO3: 20 to 25meq/l (less than 2 years and 22 a 26 meq/l (older than 2 years)
PH: 7,35 to 7,45
paediatric erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Pediatric Erythrosedimentation
Normal Value: 0 to 10 mm during the first hour
paediatric haemogram
Pediatric Hemogram, Normal Values based on age: Hematocrit:
1 to 3 días: 44-72 %
2 months: 28-42%
6 to 12 years: 35-45 %
12 to 18 years: 37-49% (in men) y 36-46 %(in women)
Hemoglobin: 1 to 3 days: 14,5 -22,5 g/dl
2 months: 9 - 14 g/dl.
6 to 12 years: 11,5 - 15,5 g/dl.
12 to 18 years: 13 - 16 g/dl (in men) y 12 - 16 g/dl (in women)
Leucocytes or White blood cells: :
When born: 9-30 x 1000 células/mm3
1°day: 9,4-34 x 1000 células/mm3
1 month: 5-19,5 x 1000/mm3
1-3 years: 6-17,5 x 1000/mm3
4-7 years: 5,5-15,5 x 1000/mm3
8 to 13 years: 4,5-13,5 x 1000/mm3
More than 13 years: 4,5-11,5 x 1000/mm3
-Neutrophils 54% to 62%
-Neutrophils in band: 3 to 5%
-Lymphocytes: 25 to 33%
-Monocytes: 3 to 7%
-Eosinophils: 1 to 3 %
-Basophils: 0 to 0,75%
First 7 days since birth: 84.000-478.000/mm3
Older than 7 days, onward: 150.000 to 400.000/mm3.
paediatric haemogram
Pediatric Hemogram, Normal Values based on age: Hematocrit:
1 to 3 days: 44-72 %
2 months: 28-42%
6 to 12 years: 35-45 %
12 to 18 years: 37-49% (in men) y 36-46 %(in women)
Hemoglobin: 1 to 3 days: 14,5 -22,5 g/dl
2 months: 9 - 14 g/dl.
6 to 12 years: 11,5 - 15,5 g/dl.
12 to 18 years: 13 - 16 g/dl (in men) y 12 - 16 g/dl (in women)
Leucocytes or White blood cells: :
When born: 9-30 x 1000 células/mm3
1°day: 9,4-34 x 1000 células/mm3
1 month: 5-19,5 x 1000/mm3
1-3 years: 6-17,5 x 1000/mm3
4-7 years: 5,5-15,5 x 1000/mm3
8 to 13 years: 4,5-13,5 x 1000/mm3
More than 13 years: 4,5-11,5 x 1000/mm3
-Neutrophils 54% to 62%
-Neutrophils in band: 3 to 5%
-Lymphocytes: 25 to 33%
-Monocytes: 3 to 7%
-Eosinophils: 1 to 3 %
-Basophils: 0 to 0,75%
First 7 days since birth: 84.000-478.000/mm3
Older than 7 days, onward: 150.000 to 400.000/mm3.
paediatric hepatogram
Normal Values:
GOT: 0 to 5 days, 35 - 140 U/L
1 to 9 years, 15 - 55 U/L
10 to 19 years, 5 - 45 U/L
GPT: 0 to 5 days, 6 - 50 U/L
1 to 19 years, 5 - 45 U/L
Total Bilirubin : 0,4 – 1,4 UI/L
Direct Bilirubin: 0,1 – 0,4 UI/L
paediatric urea and creatinine
Urea y Creatinine pediatric
Normal Values:
Urea: Newly born, 3-12 mg/dl
Breasfed/children, 5-18 mg/dl
Older 7-18 mg/dl
Creatinine: Newly born, 0,3-1 mg/dl
Breasfed, 0,2-0,4 mg/dl
Older children, 0,3-0,7 mg/dl
Adolescents, 0,5-1 mg/dl
Paediatric Urine Test
Urine test
Normal Values:
Erythrocytes: 0 to 2 per field
Leukocytes: 0 to 10 per field (in women) , 0 to 5 per field (in men)
Bacteria: None
Epithelial Cells: None
Hyaline Casts: 0 to 5 per field