
Nausea and Vomiting Physical Examination

The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Abdomen Examination:
Observation (or Inspection)
Hearing the noises of the abdomen (Hydro-aerial sounds)
Palpation or touching to know if there is any area causing pain or to recognis¡ze if there is an injury that can be perceived by touching.
Percussion (repetitive taps) to know how each part of the abdomen sounds like.

Eyes examination:
Pupil reflex
Eye movements
Presence or absence of Nystagmus (involuntary eye movement)

Ear examination:
Observation of ears with an otoscope (instrument with a light the doctor uses to see the audio canal and the eardrum)

Neurological examination:
Evaluate gait
Perform different tests or maneuvres to know the cause of your symptoms
Evalute balance
Head, face and neck and back muscles palpation.
Neck mobility examination

Examination of skin and mucous (of the mouth): if they are pale, dry or not.

Neck pain Physical Examination

The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Neck and Spine examination:

Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation(or touching):to know if there is any area causing pain and to recognize the presence of an injury that can be perceived by touching
Evaluation of mobility: if it is or it is not restrained during flexing and extension movements, lateral and rotation flexion.
Skin examination (color, temperature, presence of any injury)

Examination of all the area surrounding the neck:

Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching): to know if there is any area causing pain and to recognize the presence of any injury that can be perceived by touching.

Neurological Examination: evaluation of reflex, muscle strength, disorder that may exist in nerves, as well as level of pain irradiation.

Nerve conduction study

It is an electrodiagnosis test that measures the speed and electric activity of a nerve to determine if it is functioning normally.
Electrodes will be put in your skin along the nerves that will be studied. The doctor will use a stimulus to apply electric current for the nerves to activate. The electrodes will measure the electric current travelling through the nerve. If the nerve is damage, the current will be slow and weak.
You may feel some discomfort, but it is not a painful procedure.
It's used to detect problems in nerves and muscles
Anesthesia is not used in this procedure.

Nerve decompression

It's a surgery to reduce the pressure of the nerve. A cut (incision) is performed on the tissue located above the nerve to give more space and mobility to it.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Angiography

It’s a noninvasive study to examine the blood vessels of different areas of the body.
In some cases a contrast agent (special dye) may be needed, which is administered through an injection in the vein.
It doesn’t need sedation or analgesia.

Occlusal Splint

It is a rigid device in horseshoes form that adjusts perfectly to the teeth and it is used at night to avoid the wearing out of teeth and reduce the muscle overloading that pain can cause.

Occlusal splint

It is a rigid device in horseshoes form that adjusts perfectly to the teeth and it is used at night to avoid the wearing out of teeth and reduce the muscle overloading that pain can cause.

Occupational cramp suspicion Physical Examination

The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Affected hand and forearm examination
-The doctor may perform different tests to confirm the existence of a cramp. For example: giving you a pencil to write or ask you to grab some other element.

Oesophageal manometry

It is a study which measures the pressure inside the lower part of the oesophagus.
A thin and pressure sensitive probe is placed through the mouth or nose to the stomach, and you are asked to swallow. This way, the pressure of the contractions that the muscle forming the oesophagus makes on the probe is measured.

Optical coherence tomography

Optical Coherence tomography (OCT) is an image test that uses light waves to take photographs of the cross sections of the retina (light-sensitive tissue covering the back part of the eye)
It's a fast, simple and painless procedure.

Optical coherence tomography

Optical Coherence tomography (OCT) is an image test that uses light waves to take photographs of the cross sections of the retina (light-sensitive tissue covering the back part of the eye) It's a fast, simple and painless procedure.

Oral rehydration salts (ORS)

They are a special combination of salts (sodium chloride, potassium chloride, bicarbonate of soda, among others) that, when they are properly mixed with water, they help to hydrate, replace fluids and electrolytes (mainly sodium and potassium), that may be lost during diarrhea, vomits, burns, etc.

Oral rehydration salts (SRO)

They are a special combination of salts (sodium chloride, potassium chloride, bicarbonate of soda, among others) that, when they are properly mixed with water, they help to hydrate, replace fluids and electrolytes (mainly sodium and potassium), that may be lost during diarrhea, vomits, burns, etc.


It is a panoramic radiograph to visualize the structures that make the mouth (maxilla, mandible and teeth) and it is performed in a specific device called orthopantomograph.


These are different devices that are externally applied (no surgery is needed) in a part of the body to achieve different objectives according to each case: improve gait, balance, maintain a normal position or correct a deformity.