Amount of magnesium in the blood
Normal Value: 1.6 to 2.6 mg/dl
Mandibular Advancement Devices
Mandibular Advancement Devices
They are devices which are placed inside the mouth, previous to bedtime, which allows to bring the mandible forwards thus increasing the diameter of the upper airway (throat, pharynx).
It is used as a treatment for several diseases or disorders, to avoid the obstruction of the airway during the sleep.
Mean Corpuscular Volume
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) is a rate used in the blood test which shows the average red blood cells volume.
Normal Value: between 80 to 100 fentolitres (Fl)
Memory Loss Physical Examination
The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Complete neurological examination:
-Consciousness level
-Evaluate the presen of involuntary movements of legs and arms
-Mobility and balance
-Evaluate march
-Weakness of arms or legs
-Evaluate senses
It's a procedure minimally invasive to eliminate short segments of varicose veins through very small cuts with instruments especially designed for this procedure.
It's performed under total anesthesia.
After the procedure you may feel pain from mild to moderate based on the number and length of the removed veins. You may also have local hematomas (bruises) and temporal swelling that eases spontaneously.
Mildly hypocaloric diet plan
-Have 4 meals and 2 collations
-Drink 2 to 3 litres of water
-Reduce the size of the portions to a 15%
-Reduce between 500 to 1000 calories that you generally consume
-Carbohydrate: avoid simple carbohydrates such as sugar, sweats, candies, patisserie products, and sodas.
-Proteins: selecting red meat, and white and lean, without fat.
-Fat: choose vegetable oils, like corn and soya bean.Olive. Avoid fried food and product which contain trans fat
-Increase fruit and raw vegetables consumption.
-Control the consumption of bread, flour, whole wheat cereal, and legume.
-Chose fat-free dairy.
-Avoid alcohol consumption
-Avoid excessive consumption of salt and industrialized products such as cold cuts and luncheon meat.
Mini-examination of mental state or "mini mental"
Mini mental consists of a series of tests (calculation, writing and registration) that evaluate the following cognitive functions: direction, memory, attention, language, names and copy.
It is done in a very simple way and it's useful to detect cognitive deterioration and neurologic disorders.
Results are resolved based on the score (each answer is scored and then summed).
Moderate hypocaloric diet plan
-Have 4 meals and 2 collations
-Drink 2 to 3 litres of water
-Reduce the size of the portions to a 1/4
-Carbohydrate: avoid simple carbohydrates such as sugar, sweats, candies, patisserie products, and sodas.
-Proteins: selecting red meat, and white and lean, without fat.
-Fat: choose vegetable oils, like corn and soya bean.Olive. Avoid fried food and product which contain trans fat
-Increase fruit and raw vegetables consumption.
-Control the consumption of bread, flour, whole wheat cereal, and legume.
-Chose fat-free dairy.
-Avoid alcohol consumption
-Avoid excessive consumption of salt and industrialized products such as cold cuts and luncheon meat.
-Do doctor-authorized physical activity
Monitoring of pH
It’s an examination to measure the frequency and for how long the stomach acid enters in the esophagus (tube that connects the mouth with the stomach) during 24 hours.
A catheter enters through the nose up to the esophagus and it’s connected to a small monitor inserted on the waist or shoulder. By pressing a button the symptoms and the time are registered.
Multiple Sleep Latency Test
Test that evaluates the tendency of the patient to fall asleep in a quiet enviroment. It is performed during the day (generally after a nocturnal polysomnography), 4 to 5 naps of 20 minutes long with intervals of four hours. During the naps, different variables will be analysed and the sleep latency is registered, that is to say, the period of time that elapses between the lights are turned off and the beggining of sleep.
Multiple sleep latency test
Test which evaluates the tendency of the patient to fall asleep in a quiet environment. It is performed during the day (generally, after a nocturnal polysomnography), 4 to 5 naps of 20 minutes with intervals of four hours. During the naps different variables will be analysed and the sleep latency will be recorded, that is, the time elapsed between the moment in which the light is turned off and the beginning of the sleep.
Consists in a small incision through the tympanum (thin membrane that separates the external ear from the middle ear) that allows the aspiration of the liquid accumulated behind it.
The ventilation of the ear is preserved by introducing in said membrane ventilation tubes that allow the drainage whenever there is an abnormality in a part of the ear called Eustachian Tube.
Nasal Packing
This is a simple procedure that consists of placing compresses (strips of gauze, surgical sponges) impregnated with saline solution, vaseline or antibiotic ointment, inside the nose to give support, scar and to avoid hematomas in the nasal septum.
Nashopharingeal Aspiration
It's a test in which, through a catheter introduced through the nose and conected to an extractor, causes a suction pressure producing the exit of secretions in the throat and nose, which will be later analyzed.
Nasopharyngeal aspiration
It's a test in which, through a catheter introduced through the nose and conected to an extractor, causes a suction pressure producing the exit of secretions in the throat and nose, which will be later analyzed.