Laser photocoagulation
Laser surgery that reduces the abnormal blood vessels. The ophthalmologist will burn with a laser in the areas of the retina, reducing the abnormal blood vessesl. Because of the laser burns, it is usually needed to or more sessions to complete the treatment. The treatment is painless.
Leg Injuries Physical Examination
The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Leg examination:
. Observation (Inspection)
. Palpation (o touching): to know if there is any area that causes pain and to recognise if there is any injury that can be perceived by touching.
. Skin examination (colour, temperature, presence of any injury)
. Specific tests: the doctor may evaluate, through specific movements, the areas affected, if there is pain or not.
Limb plethysmography
Technique that detects and measures the changes in volume of the limb, valuing the speed of filling and emptying of the venous system, mainly at the calf level.
It's performed putting blood pressure cuffs in the limbs. Then they are connected to an instrument that registers the pulse volume (plethysmograph) and the pressures obtained are compared.
Painless technique. It doesn't need sedation.
Limp in Children
The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency: Norma values: Newborn: 120 to 160 beats/minute, 1 and 2 years 110-120 beats/minute, 3 to 12 years 100 beats/minute, 13 years onward 75/80 beats/minute.
.Control of Breathing Frequency Normal values: Newborn 30 to 60 breathing cycles/minute, 1 and 2 years 20 to 40 breathing cycles/minute, 3 years onward 15/25 breathing cycles/minute.
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,4 - 37 °C)
-Weight and height control.
Evaluation of gait
Examination of hip joints and lower limb
Inspection in search of deformity or inflammation
Palpation and mobilization of them
Functional evaluation of joints
Skin examination
Liquid aspiration
It's a procedure in which the accumulated liquid is drained or removed through a needle puncture. Then, the liquid is analyzed.
The removal may ease the symptoms that the accumulation of this liquid could originate.
Surgical procedure in which an incision (cut) is done in the patient's tissue to remove the "stone" or "calculus" of a specific area of the body.
Surgical procedure in which an incision (cut) is done in the patient's tissue to remove the "stone" or "calculus" of a specific area of the body.
It is a painless medical procedure, which uses shock waves (sound waves) to break the stones in the kidney, bladder or ureter (conduct that takes the urine of the kidneys to the bladder), while the person lies down with the skin over a device with water. After the procedure, the tinny pieces of stone are eliminated through urine.
It needs anaesthesia.
It is a painless medical procedure, which uses shock waves (sound waves) to break the stones in the kidney, bladder or ureter (conduct that takes the urine of the kidneys to the bladder), while the person lies down with the skin over a device with water. After the procedure, the tinny pieces of stone are eliminated through urine.
It needs anaesthesia.
Lower Videoendoscopy
It's a study in which it is possible to see the interior of the large intestine and take a piece of the surface.
The doctor uses a thin and flexible tube with a laight called endoscope, and visualizes the images on a vide monitor.
It's generally performed under anesthesia.
Lumbar Puncture
Invasive procedure performed with local anesthesia and under strict aseptic conditions.
A needle is introduced between two vertebrae of the lumbar spine, deep into a place where the cerebrospinal fluid circulates and a small quantity is extracted for its analysis.
Lumbar Puncture
Invasive procedure with local anesthesia and under strict asepsis condition. A needle is introduced between two vertebrae of the lumbar area, into a space where the cerebrospinal fluid circulates and a small amount is extracted to analyse.
Luteinizing hormone or LH
Luteinizing hormone or LH:
Follicular Phase: 2 to 15 U/L
Ovulation Phase: 22 to 105 U/L
Luteinic Phase: 0,6 to 19 U/L
Luteinizing Hormone or LH
Luteinizing Hormone or LH:
Follicular phase: 2 to 15 U/L
Ovulatory phase: 22 to 105 U/L
Luteal phase: 0,6 to 19 UI/L
Luteinizing Hormone or LH
Luteinizing Hormone or LH:
Follicular phase: 2 to 15 U/L
Ovulatory phase: 22 to 105 U/L
Luteal phase: 0,6 to 19 UI/L