
Hydration and Diet for Diarrhoea

Hydration: drink small quantities of wáter (half a glass) every 30-60 minutes. Avoid large quantities of liquids. You can also drink sports beverage (electrolyte-rich such as sodium, potassium and minerals)

Start eating gradually. When the vomits ease, start your regular diet gradually. This will help to reduce diarrhea. You can try with soft food and easy to digest. You may also try eating smaller portions during the day.

Recommended food:
-Chicken or other lean meat.
-Whole grain
-Fresh or compote (without sugar) banana/apple
-Whole rice
-Yogurt/milk: depending on the tolerance.

Food you must avoid:
-Fried or greasy food
-Sugary food (especially sodas and fruit juice)
-Spicy food or too much seasoned
You must avoid alcohol and cigarette.


Through this surgery, the testicular hydrocele is corrected. It is performed by making an incision in the scrotum for its evacuation. It is usually an outpatient procedure and patient can go home the same day of the operation.

Hydrogen breath tests

Examination that measures the content of exhaled hydrogen in the lungs with a special instrument, afer lactose ingest. If the person doesn't properly absorb lactose, s/he will exhale more amount of hydrogen.


Hydrotherapy is the use of water for therapeutic purposes.
The thermal effect produced by the application of water, locally or generally, causes a series of responses in our body that can be exploited for the treatment and / or prevention of certain ailments

Hyperbaric Therapy

Medical treatment that uses a chamber with high-oxigen pressure (at 100%). The person goes inside the chamber, and, breathing normally, will receive more amount of oxygen, which has lots of therapeutic benefits, including:
.More concentration of oxygen in blood and body tissues.
.Reduction of the time needed for the healing of a wound.

Hypoallergenic milk formulas

Milk products whose composition has been modified to avoid an allergic reaction to the proteins of the milk of the cow and make up for nutritional needs of children.


It is an examination which allows to see the interior of the cervix, uterus and Fallopian tubes using X.rays and a contrast (dye) which travels through the cervix canal.
It is usually performed under sedation.


It is an examination that allows to see the interior of the uterine neck, the uterus and the fallopian tubes with the use of X ray and opaque dye that flows through the channel of the uterus.
It is usually carried out under sedation.


Invasive study to visualize the inside of the cervix and the uterus.
The doctor uses a thin and flexible tube with a lens and a light called Hysteroscope which is introduced in the vagina; and the images are seen in a video monitor.
It is generally done in an operating room and under anesthesia.


Invasive study, allows seeing directly the interior of the uterine neck and the uterus itself.
The doctor uses a flexible and thin tube with a lens and a light called hysteroscopy, which is introduced into the vagina, and the images are visualised in a video monitor.
Usually it is carried out inside an operating room and under anaesthesia.

IgA anti-endomysial



It's a type of treatment that helps to recover or stimulate the immune system (or defense) to fight diseases through the administration of materials produced by the body (antibodies) or produced in a lab (for example: vaccines).
It is used for the treatment of infectious diseases or certain cancer types.


It’s an otorhinolaryngological procedure, also known as Impedance test or Tympanometry, that studies the ear response to the sound and different pressures.
A device is put in the ear that changes air pressure and makes the eardrum to move from one side to another. A machine registers the results in charts, called tympanogram.
It’s performed to detect possible injuries or illness in the middle ear.

Implantable Defibrillation/Cardioverter

It's a device that each time it detects a severe or potentially lethal arrhythmia, sends an electric impulse to the heart for it to function normally. It's formed by electrodes inside the heart, connected to a generator in the previous part of the thorax (under the muscles). The placing of this device is with local anaesthesia or under sedation.

Implantable Defibrillator

It's a device similar to the pacemaker that controls the heart rythm and detects any fast and potentially lethal beat. If that heartbeat appears, called arrhythmia, the defribillator sends an electric impulse to the heart for it to function normally. This is called defibrillation. Placing a defibrillator is a simple surgical procedure. It's introduced under the skin through an incision or cut, normally on the left side of the chest under the clavicle. It's performed under local anesthesia in most of the cases and it lasts two or three hours approximately.