Glucose tolerance test
It's a laboratory analysis done to diagnose type 2 diabetes and diabetes in pregnant women.
A sample of blood is taken and then the person has to drink a liquid with a specified amount of glucose. Then, blood is taken every 6o minutes to measure glycemia.
Normal values
Glycemia in fast: 60 to 100 mg/100 ml
Glycemia after one hour: less than 200 mgr/100ml
Glycemia after 2 hours: less than 140 mgr/100 ml
Normal values in pregnant women:
Glycemia in fast: less than 95 mgr/100 ml
Glycemia after one hour: less than 180 mgr/100ml
Glycemia after two hours: less than 155 mgr/100ml
Gluten-free Diet (GFD)
.Milk and derivatives: ricotta, fresh cheese, single cream
.Unbreaded fresh or frozen meat
.Viscera, seafood, natural canned fish or in vegetable oil.
.Eggs: fresh, pasteurised, desiccated.
.In natural or frozen vegetables, tubers.
.Fruit: fresh, in syrup, dehydrated, glazed, dried fruits.
.Vegetable oils, butter, vegetable margarine.
.Appetizers: olives, pickles.
.Natural spices.
.Any kind of wine and frothy drinks.
.Rice, corn, cassava, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa.
.Wheat, oat, barley and derivatives (starch, flour, semolina)
.Bread, cookies, sponge cakes, cakes, tarts.
.Breaded or flour-coated food.
.Manufactured goods which contain flour.
.Malted drinks (beer) and fermented drinks (whisky).
.Malt and malt syrup.
.Cold meat and sausages: pork sausage, blood sausage.
.Yoghurt with fibre, ice cream, desserts, spreadable cheese, milk caramel ("dulce de leche").
.Hamburgers, pâté.
.Prepared sauces (of soy, golf, ketchup).
.Mustard, mayonnaise.
.Instant soups.
Glycaemia: amount of glucose in blood
Normal Value:
Fasting glycaemia: 75 to 110 mg. x 100ml
Amount glucose in the blood
Normal Value:
75 to 110mg/100ml
glycemia (pediatric)
It is the value of glucose in the child's serum. It is perfomr through a blood sample and its result depends on the age: Normal values are:
Child's age: 1 day: 50 to 90 mgr/dl
Children: 60 to 100 mgr/dl
glycosylated hemoglobin
It's a blood test that measures the average of sugar in blood in the last 3 months.
Surgery performed to treat glaucoma, in which the imperfection is corrected (realising the eye's anterior chamber which is occupied by a tissue) to unblock the passage of the aqueous humor and reduce the pressure inside the eye.
GOT: 10 to 40 U/L in men
9 to 25 U/L in women
GPT: 10 to 55 U/L in men
7 to 30 U/L in women
Graham test or anal brush
It's a test to viasualize oxyure eggs (parasite). For that, "touches" are made with the adhesive part of the transparent tape around the anus area, in the first hours of the morning before hygiene. Then, the tape is put in a glass (microscope slide) which is sent to the laboratoy for its observation in a microscope.
Graham Test or anal brushing
Test to visualize the oxyure eggs (parasite). For that "touches" are made with the adhesive part of a transparent tape around the anus, in the first hours of the morning, before hygiene. Then the tape is put into a glass (slide) which is sent to the lab for its observation on a microscope.
Graham Test or anal swabs
This test was designed to display pinworm eggs (parasite). “Touchs” are made with a transparent adhesive tape around the anal zone in the morning before hygienization. Then the tape is settled in a glass (slide) which is sent to a lab for its analysis.
Haemogram within Normal Values:
Erythrocytes or Red Blood cells: 4.3 millions to 5.6 millions x mm3 in men
4 millions to 5.20 millions x mm3 in women
Hematocrit: 38 to 46% in men
35 to 44% in women
Hemoglobin: 13.8 to 17.2 g/dL in men
12.1 to 15.1 g/dL in women
Leukocyte or White Blood cells: 3.500 to 9000 xmm3
-Neutrophils 40% to 70%
-Band neutrophils: 0 to 5%
-Lymphocytes: 20 to 50%
-Monocytes: 4 to 8%
-Eosinophils: 0 to 6%
-Basophils: 0 to 2%
Platelets: 150.000 to 400.000/mm3.
Haemogram (childhood)
Pediatric Hemogram, Normal Values based on age: Hematocrit:
1 to 3 days: 44-72 %
2 months: 28-42%
6 to 12 years: 35-45 %
12 to 18 years: 37-49% (in men) y 36-46 %(in women)
Hemoglobin: 1 to 3 days: 14,5 -22,5 g/dl
2 months: 9 - 14 g/dl.
6 to 12 years: 11,5 - 15,5 g/dl.
12 to 18 years: 13 - 16 g/dl (in men) y 12 - 16 g/dl (in women)
Leucocytes or White blood cells: :
When born: 9-30 x 1000 células/mm3
1°day: 9,4-34 x 1000 células/mm3
1 month: 5-19,5 x 1000/mm3
1-3 years: 6-17,5 x 1000/mm3
4-7 years: 5,5-15,5 x 1000/mm3
8 to 13 years: 4,5-13,5 x 1000/mm3
More than 13 years: 4,5-11,5 x 1000/mm3
-Neutrophils 54% to 62%
-Neutrophils in band: 3 to 5%
-Lymphocytes: 25 to 33%
-Monocytes: 3 to 7%
-Eosinophils: 1 to 3 %
-Basophils: 0 to 0,75%
First 7 days since birth: 84.000-478.000/mm3
Older than 7 days, onward: 150.000 to 400.000/mm3.
haemogram (paediatric)
Pediatric Hemogram, Normal Values based on age: Hematocrit:
1 to 3 días: 44-72 %
2 months: 28-42%
6 to 12 years: 35-45 %
12 to 18 years: 37-49% (in men) y 36-46 %(in women)
Hemoglobin: 1 to 3 days: 14,5 -22,5 g/dl
2 months: 9 - 14 g/dl.
6 to 12 years: 11,5 - 15,5 g/dl.
12 to 18 years: 13 - 16 g/dl (in men) y 12 - 16 g/dl (in women)
Leucocytes or White blood cells: :
When born: 9-30 x 1000 células/mm3
1°day: 9,4-34 x 1000 células/mm3
1 month: 5-19,5 x 1000/mm3
1-3 years: 6-17,5 x 1000/mm3
4-7 years: 5,5-15,5 x 1000/mm3
8 to 13 years: 4,5-13,5 x 1000/mm3
More than 13 years: 4,5-11,5 x 1000/mm3
-Neutrophils 54% to 62%
-Neutrophils in band: 3 to 5%
-Lymphocytes: 25 to 33%
-Monocytes: 3 to 7%
-Eosinophils: 1 to 3 %
-Basophils: 0 to 0,75%
First 7 days since birth: 84.000-478.000/mm3
Older than 7 days, onward: 150.000 to 400.000/mm3.