
Antibodies markers of Celiac Disease

Proteins produced by the immunologic system (defense system) in people with Celiac disease, against gluten due to recognize it as "strange" or not belonging to the organism. These antibodies would cause an injury in the intestine, casusing an alteration on the absortion of food. These antibodies are called: Antibodies anti-transglutaminase, anti-gliadin, Anti-endomycial.

Basal insuline

It's the amount of insule in blood in a fasting state.
Normal Value: 2-20 mcU/ml

Duhamel Procedure

Surgical technique that consists of creating a new rectum, moving the normal innervation intestine downwards, behind the aganglionic rectum (part without nerves). The new rectum created through this procedure has an anterior aganglionic (without nerves) part with a normal sensitivity, and the posterior ganglionic (with nerves) part with normal movement.

Erythrocyte Sedimentation (childhood)

Pediatric Erythrosedimentation
Normal Value: 0 to 10 mm during the first hour

ionogram (childhood)

Regular Values

Sodium: 134/136 a 146 mmol/l
Less than 2 months, 3 -7 mmol/l
2 to 12 months, 3,5 – 6 mmol/l
Older than 12 months, 3,5 – 5 mmol/l
Chlorine: 100-106 meq/l

Lower Videoendoscopy

It's a study in which it is possible to see the interior of the large intestine and take a piece of the surface.
The doctor uses a thin and flexible tube with a laight called endoscope, and visualizes the images on a vide monitor.
It's generally performed under anesthesia.

Physical Examination due to Fever

The doctor may perform the following exam or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency: Norma values: Newborn: 120 to 160 beats/minute, 1 and 2 years 110-120 beats/minute, 3 to 12 years 100 beats/minute, 13 years onward 75/80 beats/minute.
.Control of Breathing Frequency Normal values: Newborn 30 to 60 breathing cycles/minute, 1 and 2 years 20 to 40 breathing cycles/minute, 3 years onward 15/25 breathing cycles/minute.
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,4 - 37 °C)
Abdomen Examination:
Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching)
Hearing the noises of the abdomen (Hydro-aerial sounds)
Percussion (repetitive taps): to know how each part of the abdomen sounds like

Thorax examination:
Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation(or touching)
Auscultation (hearing) the noises/sounds produced by the lungs and heart.
Percussion (repititive taps) to know how each part of the thorax sounds like.
Throat examination: Observation (or Inspection)
Ear examination:
Observation of ears with an Otoscope (instrument with a light the doctor uses to see the ear canal and the eardrum)
Lymph node examination: (for example, lymphs of neck, armpit and other areas):
Skin and mucous Examination (of mouth): if they are pail, dry or not.
Muscle Examination: the muscle tone and strength
Evaluate if there is or there is not a sensory problem (it includes evaluation of conscience, perception, memory)

Physical Examination due to suspicion of obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnea

The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Nose examination: Observation in search of nasal obstruction or septum deviation.
Throat Examination: Observation in search of tongue, palate or tonsils alterations.
Neck examination: -Observation.

Physical Examination due to suspicion of Paedriatic Pneumonia

The doctor may perform the following exam or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency: Norma values: Newborn: 120 to 160 beats/minute, 1 and 2 years 110-120 beats/minute, 3 to 12 years 100 beats/minute, 13 years onward 75/80 beats/minute.
.Control of Breathing Frequency Normal values: Newborn 30 to 60 breathing cycles/minute, 1 and 2 years 20 to 40 breathing cycles/minute, 3 years onward 15/25 breathing cycles/minute.
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,4 - 37 °C)
Thorax Examination:
Observation (or inspection)
Palpation (or touching)
- Auscultation (or listening): listening the noises/sounds produced by the lungs and heart.
-Percussion (repeated taps): to know how each part of the thorax sounds.

Physical Examination due to suspicion of ulcer

.Control of Cardiac Frequency (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of Breathing Frequency (Normal: 16 to 20 breathing cycles/minute)
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C)
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg)
Thorax or chest area Examination: Observation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching)
Auscultation (hearing): the nosies/sounds produced by the lungs and heart
Percussion (repetitive taps): to know how each part of the abdomen sounds like.
Abdomen Examination: Obsevation (or Inspection)
Palpation (or touching) to know if there is any area causing pain and to recognize the presence of an injury that can be perceived by touching.
Hear the sounds of the abdomen (Hydro-aerial sounds)
Percussion (repetitive taps) to know how each part of the abdomen sounds like.
Skin and mucous examination (of the mouth): if they are pale, dry or not.

Physical Examination for Cough (childhood)

The doctor may perform the following exam or exploration:
.Control of Cardiac Frequency: Norma values: Newborn: 120 to 160 beats/minute, 1 and 2 years 110-120 beats/minute, 3 to 12 years 100 beats/minute, 13 years onward 75/80 beats/minute.
.Control of Breathing Frequency Normal values: Newborn 30 to 60 breathing cycles/minute, 1 and 2 years 20 to 40 breathing cycles/minute, 3 years onward 15/25 breathing cycles/minute.
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,4 - 37 °C)
-Thorax Examination: Observation (or inspection)
Palpation (or touching)
Auscultation (listening): of the noises/sounds produced by the lungs and heart.
Percussion (give repetitive taps): to know how each part of the thorax sounds like.
Throat Examination: Observation (or Inspection)
Paranasal sinuses examination:
-Palpation (or touching): to know if any place causes pain
-Transillumination (According to the case): in a dark room, both sides of the face are illuminated, under the eyes, with the mouth open. It's done to see the presence of paranasal mucus.
-Lymph node Examination (for example neck, armpit, etc):
.Skin and mucosa examination (of the mouth): if they are pale, dry or not.

Proteinogram (childhood)

Normal Values
Total proteins:
Newborn, 4.6 - 7.4 gr/dl
1 to 7 years, 6.1 – 7.9 gr/dl
8 to 12 years, 6.4 – 8.1 gr/dl
13 years onward, 6.6 – 8.2 gr/dl
Albumin: 3,5 - 5 gr/dl
Globulin: 2,3 – 3,4 gr/dl
Immunoglobulin G:
1 month, 251 – 906 mg/dl
2 to 4 months, 176 – 601 mg/dl
5 to 12 months, 172 – 1.069 mg/dl
1 to 5 years, 345 – 1.236 mg/dl
6 to 10 years, 608 – 1.572 mg/dl

Immunoglobulin A:
1 to 3 months, 1.3 – 53 mg/dl
4 to 6 months, 4.4 – 84 mg/dl
7 months to 1 years, 11 – 106 mg/dl
2 to 5 years, 14 – 159 mg/dl
6 to 10 years, 33 – 236 mg/dl

Immunoglobulin M:
1 to 4 months, 17 – 105 mg/dl
5 to 9 months, 33 – 126 mg/dl
10 mont to 1 year, 41 – 173 mg/dl
2 to 8 years, 43 – 207 mg/dl
9 to 10 years, 52 – 242 mg/dl
Immunoglobulin E:
0 – 230 UI/ml (in men)
0 – 170 UI/ml (in women)

Sampling and culture of eye discharge

Easy and simple procedure that allows, through cotton swabs or other element the doctor use in these cases, taking a sample of the corresponding injury to be analyzed (culture) with the objective of determine the cause of it.
In some cases anesthetic eyedrops are used before taking the sample

Sleeping disorders Physical Examination

The doctor may perform the following examination or exploration:
.Control of the Heart Rate (Normal: 60 to 100 beats/minute)
.Control of the Respiration Rate (Normal: 16 to 20 respiratory cycles/minute).
.Control of Temperature (Normal: 36,5 - 37 °C).
.Control of Blood Pressure (Normal: ≤ 120/80 mmHg).
.Control of Weight
.Nose examination:
Observation: degree of nasal obstruction
Mouth and throat examination:
Observation: position of tongue, degree of tonsils, dental occlusion

Swenson Procedure

It's a surgical technique that consists of removing the aganglionic segment (part without nerves) and join the proximal normal intestine to the rectum 1-2 cm above the pectineal line.